Check the next generation Forge! New release of Qualipso Factory is out!

Check the next generation Forge! New release of Qualipso Factory is out!
QualiPSo EU Project announces the release of the new QualiPSo Factory 0.6. Design based on the SCA (Service Component Architecture) approach, it is, a modular, flexible and customizable open source forge thought for the management and development at industrial level of the future open source projects and solutions. The user interface is based on GWT and OpenParts framework.

The basic version includes Git, SVN and Issue Tracker services. The complete version includes additionally Forum, Calendar, VoIP and Jabuti testing tool services. Look at the release note to see available features!

The Factory website includes links to documentation, source code, latest factory release and bundles (0.6) which allows easy deployment (uncompress & execute bin/ and configuration.
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